Legit my only wish is not to die alone.  But, unsurprisingly, it's difficult to find someone who will watch you kill yourself.  All I want is for someone to hold my hand while I go.  I know I can't do that to anyone.  It just seems so unfair.  Everyone else gets to die surrounded by their friends and family.  If it was any organ besides my brain that was killing me, I wouldn't have to do it alone.  But since it is in my brain, because they can't see it, because they don't feel it, they won't let me go.  They still think it is my choice.  What they don't understand is I don't decide why, or how, or to get better.  The only thing I have control over is when, and doing it now would be kinder for everyone.  You let your dog go when he's sick.  Why don't you understand that it's cruel to make me stay, too?


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